miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

La fonética de las marcas by HARPERS BAZAAR

Ever found yourself stuck for words when trying to pronounce some of the trickier names in the fashion lexicon? Us too. And, we figured, if we find it hard, then pity the poor woman who has a normal life and no time to study such things. So for anyone who has ever stumbled over Sonia Rykiel or mumbled their way through Martin Margiela, Team Bazaar has compiled the ultimate cheat sheet to help fashion fans master the dialects of the designer alphabet. Practice makes perfect...
Anna Suianna swee
Ann Demeulemeesterann de-mule-eh-meester
Azzedine Alaiaazz-eh-deen ah-lie-ah
Badgley Mischkabadge-lee meesh-kah
Bottega Veneta: bow-tay-guh vah-netta
Christian Lacroixchristian luh-kwa
Christian Louboutinchristian loo-boo-tan
Comme des Garçonscomb dey gah-sown
Dolce & Gabbanadol-chey and gab-ana
Dries Van Notendrees van know-ten
Gareth Pughgareth pew
Giambattista Valligee-am-bah-tease-ta vah-lee
Gianfranco Ferregee-ahn-franco feh-ray
Hervé Légerair-vay lay-jah
Hussein Chalayanhoo-sane sha-lion
Issey Miyakeiss-ee mee-yah-key
Jean Paul Gaultierzhon paul go-tee-ay
Junya Watanabejun-yah wat-an-ah-bey
Kinder Agguginikinder ag-ooh-gee-nee
Louis Vuittonloo-wee vwee-tahn
L'Wren Scottla-ren scott
Maison Martin Margielamay-sohn martin mar-jhell-ah
Mary Katrantzoumary cat-trant-zoo
Miu Miumew-mew
Monique Lhuilliermonique le-hu-lee-ay
Olivier Theyskensoh-liv-ee-ay tay-skins
Proenza Schoulerpro-en-zuh skool-er
Roksanda Ilincicroksanda ill-in-chik
Salvatore Ferragamosal-vah-tor-re fer-ra-gah-moh
Sonia Rykielsewn-yah ree-key-el
Yves Saint Laurenteve san lau-ron
Yohji Yamamotoyoh-jee yam-ah-mo-to

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

la vida

1. Recuerda que solo tienes una vida; esto no es un ensayo general.
2. Intenta ser positivo y buscar el lado bueno de cada experiencia vital.
3. Piensa en el aquí y el ahora.
4. Vive cada día de tu vida plenamente, porque no sabes lo que te espera a la vuelta de la esquina.
5. Recuerda que la vida puede cambiar en un instante.
6. Ama todas las etapas de tu vida y no temas pasar por ninguna, porque todas y cada una de ellas son mágicas.
7. Aprende a vivir el momento. Si consigues hacerlo cuando eres joven, te ayudará cuando tengas 60.
8. La vida es demasiado corta como para estar preocupándose por algo que ocurrirá en el futuro. Vive el hoy.
9. ¡Sal y disfruta de la naturaleza!
10. Busca un hobby o un empleo que te hagan experimentar las diferentes sensaciones de cada fase de tu vida.
11. Sé tú misma. Envejece con dignidad.
12. Concéntrate en envejecer de forma positiva, no en evitar el envejecimiento.
13. Acepta los cambios de tu cuerpo y de tu mente a medida que vas madurando.
14. Sé sincera contigo misma siempre. Es un proceso de aprendizaje lento, pero merece la pena.
15. Guarda tus recuerdos, pero no seas demasiado dura contigo misma.
16. Virginia Wolf tenía razón; una mujer necesita una habitación para ella sola y 500 dólares.
17. Olvídate de los estereotipos que tiene la sociedad sobre el envejecimiento.
18. No te preocupes por envejecer. Preocúpate por el aburrimiento.
19. La edad es solo un número; no define quién eres.
20. El tiempo va a pasar quieras o no, así que ¡empieza a vivirlo!
21. No dejes de inspirarte.
22. Vive de una manera sencilla y ahorra. Ejercítate, cultívate, lee y viaja.
23. Cómprate ropa clásica. Siempre estará a la moda.
24. No malgastes el dinero en zapatos; los hombres no se fijan en tus pies.
25. ¡No llenes tu vida de basura!
26. Sé tú misma; brilla con luz propia. Muéstrate presente, verdadera, consciente y viva en cada momento.
27. No te obsesiones con las arrugas. Cuando empiecen a aparecer en tu cara, piensa que son el mapa de tu vida.
28. Vive con pasión y con amor, con los ojos y el corazón abiertos. Simplemente, sé feliz.
29. Vive el presente; no te preocupes por envejecer. Lo mejor está por venir.
30. Valora los pequeños placeres de la vida; no compliques más las cosas.
31. Quiere y respeta a tu pareja y a tus hijos del mismo modo que quieres que ellos te amen y te respeten a ti.
32. Da tu amor de forma libre e incondicional.
33. Ten hijos cuando quieras tenerlos: no hay un momento clave y específico para ello.
34. Muestra empatía contigo misma y con los que te rodean.
35. Haz muchas fotos. Te alegrarás de tenerlas cuando tus seres queridos dejen de estar ahí.
36. Aprende a perdonar desde la juventud.
37. Olvida tus enfados, y deja que la gratitud y la alegría inunden tu vida.
38. Ten un círculo íntimo de amigas. ¡Es fundamental!
39. Valora a tu familia. Estarán contigo cuando los demás se alejen. Te apoyarán durante todo el recorrido de tu vida.
40. Nunca te vayas a dormir enfadada contigo misma o con otra persona.
41. Dile a tu pareja, a tus amigos y a tu familia que los quieres todos los días.
42. A los 30 te haces mujer. Aprecia tu belleza.
43. No pierdas el tiempo preocupándote de cosas que no puedes cambiar; cambia las cosas que sí puedes.
44. Sal cuanto antes de una mala relación; no puedes cambiar a la otra persona.
45. ¡Cuida tu piel! Sonríe con frecuencia.
46. Confía en tus instintos y nunca hables mal de ti.
47. Sé amable contigo misma. No tengas en cuenta lo que no está bajo tu control. Si hay algo que te hace sentir mal, sácalo de tu vida.
48. Aprende a reírte de ti misma. ¡No seas tan seria!
49. Concédete un rato para ti misma cada día; ríete y sonríe a cada momento.
50. Simplemente, sé tu misma. No ansíes la perfección.
51. Si tienes hijos, quiérelos, pero no intentes ser una madre perfecta.
52. Deja que tu hijo sea tu maestro.
53. Sé una guerrera; aprende a disponer de tus propios recursos y a ser autosuficiente.
54. No dejes guiarte por el miedo.
55. No dejes de aprender y refuerza tu mente, tu físico y tu espíritu.
56. Muéstrate agradecida cada día, hasta cuando sea un mal día. Siempre hay una lección por aprender.
57. Acepta los aspectos positivos del envejecimiento, como el hecho de tener menos responsabilidad y más libertad.
58. Muchas batallas se simplifican con la edad.
59. ¡No dejes que nadie te diga que eres demasiado vieja para hacer algo! O demasiado joven.
60. No tengas miedo. Cuando envejezcas, te sentirás bien. La vida y la naturaleza te preparan para cada fase de tu vida.

99 Things Every Female Traveler Should Know

From practical travel tips to tips for inner travel peace, the following is a long (very long) list of everything we think a female traveler should know in order to get the most out of a travel experience.
And since the list pretty much explains itself, here we go!
1. How to embrace your natural self.
2. Less is more when it comes to packing.
3. You are your own best security alarm.
4. Dressing modest is important in many parts of the world.
5. Dressing modest is about more than following a dress code.
6. You’re braver than you think.
7. A big scarf is your new best friend.
8. It’s all about the accessories.
9. Comfortable walking shoes. Enough said.
10. Confidence speaks volumes.
#12 - Traveling solo is not the end of the world.
11. Traveling with friends is not always the bright and happy adventure you thought it would be.
12. Traveling solo is not the end of the world.
13. Shower flip flops. Always.
14. People are generally helpful across the globe.
15. If you can’t carry your own luggage, you’ve packed too much.
16. The most stressful moments sometimes end up being the best.
17. Communication happens with more than just words.
18. Make an attempt in the local language. It will be appreciated.
19. Your feet were made for walking. They’re the best way to explore a city.
20. If it doesn’t scare you, you’re not human.
#22 - You can survive with less than you think.
21. Money is money. Memories are everything.
22. You can survive with less than you think.
23. Take other traveler recommendations with a grain of salt.
24. Respecting the culture comes first.
25. Researching common travel scams can save you from exploitation.
26. That said, travel scams can happen to anyone.
27. Travel is a marathon. Packing in too much too quick will lead to exhaustion.
28. You don’t have to do it all.
29. Live in the moment as much as possible.
30. Put down the technology.
#30 - Put down the technology.
31. Enjoy the journey.
32. Economy class will never be comfortable.
33. Laughter is the best medicine when plans get interrupted, delayed, etc.
34. Plan for jet lag. It’s real!
35. Street food is usually the best food.
36. Layers, layers, layers.
37. Budget travel is great, but small splurges in the name of safety are worth it.
38. Leggings add warmth, modesty, comfort, and style to a travel wardrobe.
39. Ditch the guidebook every once in a while.
40. You will change; people back home will not.
#43 - The world is a freaking beautiful place.
41. Travel friendly snacks. They can alter the course of a long journey.
42. It’s OK to take a vacation from your vacation.
43. The world is a freaking beautiful place.
44. Falling in love with a place, a culture, a person on the road… is inevitable.
45. Women just aren’t treated the same in some countries.
46. There is such a thing as tourist prices.
47. Hostels are excellent places to find new travel friends.
48. You’re never more than a plane ticket from home.
49. Homesickness happens.
50. You don’t need as much make-up as you think.
#50 - You don't need as much makeup as you think.
51. A Skype call to someone back home can make a big difference.
52. Leave the hair dryer at home.
53. Learn how to haggle.
54. Realize when it’s not worth haggling.
55. People at home will tell you it’s too dangerous to travel (solo or otherwise). It’s not.
56. It’s ok to change your plans, stay somewhere longer, or leave earlier if you want.
57. A book is a great dinner companion.
58. A digital book is even better for packing.
59. Take lots of pictures.
60. But don’t spend your travel time posting them all to Facebook.
#61 - Travel makes you more confident.
61. Travel will make you more confident.
62. If you get overwhelmed, stop and take a deep breath.
63. You can’t prepare for everything.
64. Don’t expect things in other countries to be like they are at home.
65. The overnight bus/train/plane is not always worth the savings.
66. Use sunscreen.
67. Wear a hat in the sun, even if you hate hats.
68. Try the Diva Cup.
69. It’s not a fashion show.
70. Don’t plan too much. Lots of great experiences come out of spontaneity.
#70 - Don't plan too much.
71. Show up early for the bus, train, or plane.
72. But be prepared to wait from time to time.
73. Always carry tissues in your pocket or purse.
74. The art of squat toilets.
75. The art of saying no, and meaning it.
76. Plastic bags are a hostel dorm room nightmare.
77. Memories are the best souvenirs.
78. Your passport is worth its weight in gold; protect it.
79. Baggage restrictions vary; do your research in advance to avoid check-in drama.
80. You can never have too many hair ties.
#86 - How to read a map the old fashioned way.
81. A watch is still a handy way to keep track of time (and time differences).
82. Travel with kids is still a possibility.
83. Packing cubes.
84. Alcohol in moderation.

85. Travel insurance may sound like a waste of money, until it’s not.
86. How to read maps the old fashioned way.
87. Leave the valuables at home.
88. Investing in quality travel gear may cost more, but is often more worthwhile in the long-run.
89. Sometimes it’s OK to leave the to-do list at home.
90. Travel inspires creativity and reinvigorates your soul.
#92 - How to follow your own path.
91. How to be open-minded.
92. How to follow your own path.
93. People watching is a cheap way to explore a culture.
94. Don’t drink the water unless you’re sure it’s safe.
95. Airport security is easier when you’re organized.
96. To not set unreal expectations.
97. Get outside your comfort zone.
98. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
99. Travel is what you make of it.
And now, we’d love to know: What would be your #100? Share it below!
99 Things Every Female Traveler Should Know

martes, 26 de enero de 2016


13 Style Secrets I Learned from the Coolest Surfer Girls on the Planet

Kat Collings 

I am probably the antithesis of a surfer girl. I am pale, remarkably mediocre at athletics, and have an undying fear of sharks. Accordingly, when I had the opportunity to hang with the Billabong women’s surf team (or the girl gang of water goddesses, as I privately refer to them), I jumped at the chance to learn their cool-girl secrets. After getting a very supportive and non-scary surf lesson from the team, I sat down with each one to get the scoop on all the style lessons that are second nature to someone who goes to work in a swimsuit.
From the bikini bottom cut that’s truly the most flattering to the truth behind effortless, beachy hair, scroll down for all their insider tips.

1. How to make your butt look amazing in a bikini:

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1. How to make your butt look amazing in a bikini:
“You want to look for a bottom that cuts in a little to show just a peek—not super-small like a Brazilian bikini bottom, but not full coverage either, which surprisingly doesn’t look good. A cut that shows just a little of your rear is super-flattering for people who still want a bit of coverage.” –Courtney Conlogue

Our bikini bottom pick: Billabong Sol Searcher Capril Bikini Bottom ($35)

2. The secret to surfer girl hair:

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2. The secret to surfer girl hair:
Brooklyn Dombroski
“To get the perfect beach hair, just go to the beach and get in the ocean. The saltwater seriously gives me nice curls, so I don’t have to do anything to my hair. If you’re not near an ocean, use sea-salt spray for sure.” –Felicity Palmateer

Our sea-salt spray pick: Bumble and Bumble The Surf Set ($28)

3. How to mix and match bikinis:

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3. How to mix and match bikinis:
“I think the easiest way to mix and match a bikini is to get at least one solid in there, and then the other half of the set can be a really cool pattern.” –Alessa Quizon

Our mix-and-match bikini pick: Billabong Monterrico Stripe Triangle Bikini Top ($40), and Sol Searcher Lattice Biarritz Bikini Bottom ($35) in Coral Reef

4. The bikini top that will never fall off:

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4. The bikini top that will never fall off:
“When I’m surfing, I’ll wear a criss-cross back because it stays on better. So if you’re active, definitely wear that type of top. Whenever I surf in a triangle bikini, it comes off!” –Laura Enever

Our criss-cross back bikini pick: Billabong Line Up Triangle Bikini Top($30)

5. The most flattering type of one-piece swimsuits:

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5. The most flattering type of one-piece swimsuits:
“If you like one-pieces, do one with paneling that's darker on the sides or with a pattern, so it helps emphasise your curves.” –Laura Enever

Our one-piece pick: Billabong Shorty Jane Spring Suit ($89).

6. When NOT to use salt spray:

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6. When NOT to use salt spray:
“Don’t ever put salt spray on after the beach. You already have so much salt in your hair, so when you do that, it’s too much—it’s frizz heaven.” –Courtney Conlogue

7. How to be more adventurous with mixing and matching bikinis:

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7. How to be more adventurous with mixing and matching bikinis:
“Even though you might not think two prints go together, pull yourself away and think of it like an art piece. You can have a lot of fun with it. Palm trees can go with stripes.” – Courtney Conlogue

Our palm trees-and-stripes bikini pick: Billabong Reversible Monterrico Stripe Bandeau ($45) and La Isla Reversible Tropic Bikini Bottom ($45) 

8. An easy bikini-pattern pairing that always works:

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8. An easy bikini-pattern pairing that always works:
“It’s such a cool time in fashion. Literally, you can wear anything now. I think patterns on pattern is really cool—especially stripes and florals, which always look good together.” –Laura Enever

Our stripes-and-florals bikini pick: Billabong Monterrico Stripe Crop Top($50) and Fantasy Tropic Bikini Bottom ($38)

9. How to get away with wearing a bikini top as a shirt:

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9. How to get away with wearing a bikini top as a shirt:
Brooklyn Dombroski
“A halter-style bikini is a good way to wear a bikini as a top—it looks like a crop top. It’s really cute paired with overalls or with high-waisted shorts.” –Lindsay Perry

Our bikini top and shorts picks: Billabong Safari High Neck Bikini Top ($45) and Memory Clean Finish Denim Shorts ($54)

10. How to go from the beach to the bar:

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10. How to go from the beach to the bar:
“I live in Sydney where we constantly go from the beach out to restaurants and little bars, so I’ve come to learn how I can wear all types of beachwear as streetwear. I love wearing a long cover-up, which you can pair with a nice pair of strappy sandals or even wedges. You can belt the cover-up to give yourself a bit of shape. Billabong has a lot of really nice cover-ups, and ones that coordinate with the bikini as well.” –Laura Enever

Our cover-up pick: Billabong Seacret Love Dress ($48)

11. What you should always do before a trip:

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11. What you should always do before a trip:
Brooklyn Dombroski
“Always plan your outfits before you go, because if you just throw stuff in your suitcase, then no matter how big or small your suitcase is, you’ll just fill it with anything.” –Courtney Conlogue

Our luggage pick: Billabong World Clouds Roller Travel Bag ($39)

12. The two bikini prints that should never be paired together:

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12. The two bikini prints that should never be paired together:
Brooklyn Dombroski
“I think you have to be careful mixing animal prints, like say a zebra and a leopard print together isn’t good.” –Alessa Quizon

Our mixed-print bikini pick: Billabong Safari Bandeau Bikini Top ($50) andAloha Yo Tropic Bikini Bottom ($35)

13. The most important essential to pack for a tropical vacation:

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13. The most important essential to pack for a tropical vacation:
Brooklyn Dombroski
“I always pack my massive, oversized sarong or beach towel. It is so versatile—you can use it as a head wrap, as a sarong, or a perfect beach blanket. Billabong has some amazing beach blankets. They are coming out with a circular one, which I am really stoked about.” –Felicity Palmateer

Our printed-towel pick: Billabong Palm Vacations Towel ($40)

Which tip from the Billabong surf team did you find most useful? Let us know in the comments below!